
The best books for your development

THEMA Publishers is there for anyone who wants to take control of their personal and professional development.

We believe that our readers can take steps themselves to steer their lives and careers in the best possible direction. We are happy to help with that. Do you want to improve or change something about yourself, or about your performance at work, in your team or elsewhere? A book, game or fan can give you just that little bit of support you need. Maybe you are looking for more depth: a really good handbook to do your (future) work with even more confidence. With our expenses you can strengthen yourself and the organisation where you work.

All our products originate from and are made for practice.


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THEMA as a platform for personal development

In addition to our own products, we provide high-quality products and workshops that are a good match with our own philosophy.

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Joke Carlier Directeur | Uitgever THEMA

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