Fugro’s talent development programme, called U.Gro, was developed to encourage young professionals and future managers to invest in their personal growth. The programme was created to facilitate easier international collaboration, increase transparency within the organisation and help employees avail themselves of opportunities for further growth.
U.Gro was established in association with Relevance. The programme provided flexibility and allowed for adjustments to meet Fugro’s specific needs. It was launched online and involved several different elements, ranging from e-learning sessions and workshops to deep dives and peer coaching.
It wasn’t always easy. For instance, this project proved challenging for employees who work from remote locations. For this reason, a pilot programme was established to allow for more flexible learning. Most students were positively surprised by the extent to which their power skills benefit benefitted from the programme.
In all, U.Gro had a positive influence on Fugro’s corporate culture, by promoting cooperation between employees, the global exchange of knowledge and a culture of openness and feedback. It will potentially reduce sickness absence and employee turnover, and make employees happier and more self-confident, which in turn will make them more highly engaged and competent.
Do you wish to bring about a culture change in your organisation? If so, be sure to read the entire case study on Relevance’s website.
Read the entire case study on Relevance’s website