The idea was born. Jan Schouten defends his thesis "Freedom in Working".
The idea becomes a plan. Jan Schouten gives assertiveness training on Dutch
television, giving birth to Schouten & Nelissen.
The founding of publishing house Thema
Nowe Motywacje & Schouten & Nelissen join forces.
Schouten & Nelissen goes international with the establishment of Schouten
Schouten University is set up. Master’s courses, coaching and training courses are added to the offer.
Schouten & Nelissen started researching employee satisfaction and loyalty within organizations.
The founding of Schouten China.
The founding of New Heroes. Online learning for everyone.
The founding of Archipel. The independent learning platform.
The founding of Competence. The focus shifts to internationally accredited training courses.
The founding of Realise. Tests & Scans get more focus and attention.
The establishment of New Dawn makes coaching more accessible for the entire Dutch working population.
Schouten Global becomes Relevance. Developing and learning at a fast pace: scalable, for everyone and everywhere.
Schouten & Nelissen University of Applied Sciences becomes SUAS. From now on you can visit for the best education, training and coaching.
IXLY & Schouten & Nelissen join forces.
Eskk & Schouten & Nelissen join forces.
Where are we going together?
People are stronger in their personal and professional lives when they are courageous and moving forward. That is why we emphasize training hard and soft skills for individuals, teams and organizations. We always take a personal approach and set very high standards for the quality of our work.